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what to do with commander culln

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what to do with commander culln Empty what to do with commander culln

Post  Selik Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:36 am

I have the red scorpions cmdr Culln. I am not sure what I should do with him still NIB. I have thought of converting him to a chaplain....but I am terrible at converting. Problem is I really do not need him in my SM army. It would add some other options for the SM force I have is all it would do. I have thought of of trading him for some SOB with melta or IG with melta.

Has anyone converted this model or have ideas what could be done with him. Maybe someone has played him as is.

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what to do with commander culln Empty Re: what to do with commander culln

Post  ScottRadom Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:12 am

Why don't you just sell him off?
Lord of Titan

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what to do with commander culln Empty Re: what to do with commander culln

Post  dusktiger Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:36 am

uhhh, i use a converted counts-as, and i can tell you right now; field him. and as his chapter master version, not the 1st company version. you'll not regret the choice. he alone can chew through enemy squads.

Name Cost Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Wounds Initiative Attacks Leadership Save
Lord High Commander Carab Culln 215 pts 6 5 4/6 4 3 5 4 10 2+/4++
Unit Type: Infantry;
Iron Halo;
Teleport Homer;
Master Crafted Storm Bolter;
Blade of the Scorpion - Master-Crafted Str 6 Power sword; If Culln's WS is higher than the greatest WS value of the model(s) he's assaulting, he gains an additional attack for each point difference; EX: his WS 6 vs space marine WS 4 = 2 additional attacks each assault phase.

And They Shall Know No Fear;
Chapter Tactics; Tactical Squads replace their sergeants with apothecaries for free.
Combat Tactics;
Eternal Warrior; immune to Instant Death
Independent Character;
Orbital Bombardment;
Proud to Live, Proud to Die, Hard to Kill - Culln has Eternal Warrior, and while still alive, he and all friendly Red Scorpion units within 12" gain +1 to their combat resolution score to determine the winner in assaults.

This guy is by far one of the best chapter masters out there to field. he lets you take the one thing that annoys most people when fighting Blood Angels, Feel No Pain, and gives it to EVERY tactical squad in your army for free.

He's also the cheapest model in the marines with Eternal Warrior.

And with that Blade of the Scorpion, he beats the hell out of a Chaplain any day.

As a player of his chapter, i'd have to beat you silly if you converted that model into some no-name model rather than field him with his actual rules.

I'd also, you know, buy him off you, but i dont know if i have any money to spare atm to do so. what 'would' you want for him?
Lord of Titan

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what to do with commander culln Empty Re: what to do with commander culln

Post  Roland Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:08 pm

I agree, Chapter Master Culln is pretty bad ass.

That said Mike, isnt Lysander 200 pts, w/ Eternal Warrior?

The issue I see is he's pretty clearly a Red Scorpion, and Selik, you play UM and Sisters right?

I think you have to choices: Sell/Trade him. or convert him to your chapter. If you want some ideas, take a look at my Terminator Captain conversion (from Lysander) in my blog. Evrything I did it simply filing down Imperial Fist stuff and covering it with etched brass, and I still have almost all of the sheet it you some of the icons.
Lord of Titan

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what to do with commander culln Empty Re: what to do with commander culln

Post  Selik Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:37 pm

I have a question. How strict is the the league on playing only UM characters with a UM army. Is it a big deal if I did not do any converting to Culln and played him with my UM list? I know I am terrible at converting and I do not want to ruin a great model.

With that being said perhaps I may trade it up for some SOB that I need.

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what to do with commander culln Empty Re: what to do with commander culln

Post  Roland Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:09 pm

Culln as a Ultra: Who cares? Matt Kerr plays Word Bearers counts as Space Wolves. I have a conversion of almost every special chatacter in the SM codex as an Ultra.

Culln in League games: He IA rules, so its opponents permission. Can't use him in the playoffs if you get that far.

Conversion difficulty: Honestly I'm horrible at conversions, I can't sculpt to save my life. Culln is not a difficult conversion, Switch out the pauldrons for generic ones, cut of the scorpion detail on the strom bolter with a hobby knife, and glue some etched brass or other bits over the scorpion on his chest. Done. Cash the F____ check.

All that said, its your call.
Lord of Titan

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what to do with commander culln Empty Re: what to do with commander culln

Post  dusktiger Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:15 pm

i dont know how many sisters you hope to get for a model that's only $20 off the FW site. That can't possibly fetch you more than 1 SOB model.

You should either play him in your SM army as a Counts-As Chapter Master Culln and paint him blue, or sell him to someone who'll use him for his rules. Even if you want to use him as a Counts-As, you dont have to remove the scorpion symbols; just paint him blue and white and then that way you achieve 2 things; 1, people can see by the model's design and symbols who he is and expect his rules, and 2, should you trade him later on, the model is still original and only needs paint stripping, thus netting you more cash on the re-sale.

when i've played characters from other chapters, i dont shave or remove the chapter symbols on them, i just paint them in the heraldry of the chapter im playing so people can look at the model and know who he is. my Vulkan He'stan still has his original markings for example, but painted in my colors.
Lord of Titan

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what to do with commander culln Empty Re: what to do with commander culln

Post  dusktiger Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:20 pm

if your really not sure what to do with him, i can see about scrounging a $20 somewhere and buy him off you untouched, as i play his chapter
Lord of Titan

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